Final result: A rhythm-ish game about dodging red boxes until there are no more red boxes left.

Original plan: RPG-ish game about character, killing/dodging enemies, earning currency and buying upgrades. Needless to say the final result was nothing like what the original plan was.

Lessons learned: Scriptable objects are very powerful and can be used for variety of purposes. in  this project I learned that they can incredible at allowing for modular design. Each box spawn patter contained in a scriptable object, which are are then fed into an array. This allowed me to mix and match them fairly easily and put a level together by just popping in different spawn patterns. I can see how they can also be very useful in procedural generation and I might try to use them for that in the next project.


2020 was rough year to say the least. My personal game development progress has been in a ditch for a while. In an attempt to fix that, I am going to try and release a game every month. The goal is to spend at least a few hours each week and have a game of some kind ready by the end of the month while working  on whatever else.

Made withUnity


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simple concept with awesome gameplay